

Echo blueprints, right on target
Pulled the trigger off and running
After rocks and heaven
Lies and chemistry pacify the broken
Low down high, no place to point a finger
Spent those decades drowning in December
Sleepwalk forever

Sunburnt ego, empty milestones
Chasing mirages and refuge
You kept one foot in the shade
Dumbing down the sirens and breakthroughs
Lip service guru staying lost and funky
I missed the memo, I missed the Mayday.
Mirror, mirror tell me: am I hotter, or colder?
Am I wiser, or just older?
Fixing holes, or glossing over?
A Chance at Life, A Chance at Life

Dueling brothers forget the Mother
Close the door and drop the curtain
Bowing out, we'll burn it down
Nevermind facts, never learning...
Bigger, faster, stronger, chip up on your shoulder
I pegged ya for the winner, but you keep playing
the beginner....over and over
You're stuck on rewind, choking in the dust
Too hard and too late to wake up
Oh you're off the mark and on the edge
Just beginning at the end...
A Chance at Life, oh ya had a Chance at Life

Bigger, faster, stronger, chip up on your shoulder
I pegged ya for the winner, but you keep playing
the beginner....over and over and over
A Chance at Life, ya had a Chance at Life

Music by Tal Goettling Lyrics by Shannon Harris